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Create a Git Repository – cPanel

Learn how to Create a Git Repository using cPanel. The Git™ Version Control feature allows you to host Git repositories on your cPanel account. You can use Git to maintain any set of files (for example, a website’s files and assets, a software development project, or simple text files). More information.

Make sure that your cPanel account includes shell access. Without shell access, you can only create, clone, delete and view repositories.
If you are using your local machine SSH, make sure that you have created an SSH public_key and have added it to your cPanel server.

Video tutorial – Create a Git Repository – cPanel

Step-by-step tutorial – Create a Git Repository – cPanel

  1. Log in to cPanel.

    Tutorial: login from the Client Area or the direct link.

    Find the Files section and click the GitTM Version Control.

    Extilum cPanel - Delete a Git Repository

  2. Git Version Control

    Click the Create button.

    Extilum cPanel - Create a Git Repository using cPanel

  3. Create Repository

    To create a new repository or add an existing repository to the list of cPanel-managed repositories, set the Clone a Repository toggle to disabled.

    In the Repository Path text box, enter the path to the directory that will contain the repository.
    Do note that:
    – if the specified directory does not currently exist, the system will create it.
    – if the specified directory already contains a repository, the system will automatically add it to the list of cPanel-managed repositories.
    – unless you’re adding an existing repository to the list, the directory must be empty. Subdomain directories contain a cgi-bin directory and may also contain a .well-known directory. You must move these before you can create a repository.

    cPanel’s Git Version Control enforces several restrictions on repository paths:
    – The system globally denies public access to repositories’ .git directories.
    – Do not modify or delete a repository’s .git directory or its contents. Modifications to this data can irreparably break the repository.
    – You cannot create, delete, or view repositories with paths that include whitespace or any of the following characters:

    \ * | ” ‘ < > & @ ` $ { } [ ] ( ) ; ? : = % #`
    – You cannot create, delete, or view repositories in the following directories:

    .cpanel .trash etc mail ssl tmp logs .cphorde spamassassin .htpasswds var cgi-bin .ssh perl5 access-logs

    In the Repository Name text box, enter the desired display name for the repository.

    Click the Create button.

    Extilum cPanel - Create a Git Repository using cPanel

  4. Wait for the success message.

    Extilum cPanel - Create a Git Repository

  5. Find commands list

    Extilum cPanel - Create a Git Repository

  6. Find commands list

    Extilum cPanel - Create a Git Repository

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