Below you will find documentation, tutorials, checklists and useful tips on how to use Extilum’s services.

File Manager

Extilum cpanel - file manager - settings

File Manager Settings – cPanel

rn How to Modify File Manager Settings – cPanel. Also, learn how to Show Hidden Files (dotfiles, .htaccess, and more) in File Manager cPanel. Use the File Manager interface to manage and edit your files.
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Extilum cpanel - file manager - new file and folder

Create a New File or Folder in File Manager – cPanel

Learn How to Create a New File or New Folder using File Manager – cPanel. You can access, view, modify, add, delete, copy files, and much more from your account. cPanel organizes all the files in your account into folders. Use the File Manager interface to manage and edit your files.
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Extilum cpanel - file manager - rename

Rename a file or folder in File Manager – cPanel

Learn How to Rename a File or a Folder in File Manager – cPanel. You can access, view, modify, add, delete, copy files, and much more from your account. cPanel organizes all the files in your account into folders. Use the File Manager interface to manage and edit your files.
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Extilum cpanel - file manager - permissions

Change Permissions File Manager – cPanel

Learn How to Change Permissions in File Manager - cPanel. Each file and folder on your server has permissions that control who can read, write and execute that file or folder. Access permissions tell the operating system how to handle access requests. There are times when an update or installation will require a file permissions change.
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Extilum cpanel - file manager - manage incicies

Manage indices File Manager – cPanel

Learn How to Manage indices from File Manager – cPanel. When a visitor accesses a directory (rather than a page) on your website, the browser typically displays the directory’s index page. If no index page exists, the browser displays a list of the files in that directory. Use the Indexes interface to define how the server displays a specific directory’s index to a visitor or to disable index display for a directory.
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