Below you will find documentation, tutorials, checklists and useful tips on how to use Extilum’s services.

Leech Protection

Extilum cPanel - Security - Leech protection

Enable Leech Protection for a directory in cPanel

Learn How to Enable Leech Protection for a directory in cPanel. The Leech Protection interface allows you to detect unusual levels of activity in password-restricted directories. After you set the maximum number of logins within a two-hour period, the system redirects or suspends users who exceed it.
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Extilum cpanel - security - hotlink protection

Disable Leech Protection for a directory – cPanel

Learn How to Disable Leech Protection for a directory in cPanel. The Leech Protection interface allows you to detect unusual levels of activity in password-restricted directories. When you no longer need this kind of protection, follow this tutorial to disable it.
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